"Funny From Ohio State University" is the ultimate comedy show featuring a lineup of talented student comedians from OSU's Buckeye Standup Comedy Club! Join us for a night of laughs with performers Julian Rodgers, Haikal Rozaidi, Drew Rennie, Natalee Townsend, Ian Mansur, and Anna-Elise Feldman. These budding comedic stars are ready to entertain you with their unique takes on college life, current events, and more.
The show will take place at Columbus, Ohio's newest comedy club in the Short North Arts District: Hashtag Comedy Company at 1253 N High Street.
Doors open at 9:45 pm, and the show starts at 10 pm.
Enjoy a selection of alcoholic drinks available for purchase for those of legal drinking age. Don't miss out on the hilarity—get your tickets now for an unforgettable evening of stand-up comedy straight from Ohio State!
#ColumbusComedy #ShortNorth #HashtagComedy #BuckeyeComedy #OSUComedy #ComedyShow #StandupComedy #LiveComedy #ColumbusEvents #OhioStateUniversity #FunnyFromOSU #ColumbusNightlife