Adult comedy classes

We offer a variety of classes that help YOU build comedy skills. All classes are taught by seasoned comedians and instructors.I

Core improv classes

These classes run for 6 weeks and end with a showcase performance in the 7th week. No prior experience is needed to start in our program at Level 1.

  1. Level 1 Intro to Improv

  2. Level 2 Intro to Scenework

  3. Level 3 Advanced Scenework

  4. Level 4 Intro to Longform

  5. Level 5 Advanced Longform


We also offer masterclasses for improv, sketch, stand up, stage acting, and more! Our masterclass format is generally one-day, 2 to 3 hour classes, led by local and traveling comedy experts.

Private Coaching Sessions

Interested in coaching sessions for your improv group, or 1:1 coaching for your stand up? Our instructors are here to help.
•Stand Up Coaching: starting at $65/hour
•Improv Coaching: starting at $150/hour (includes coaching and space rental)

Want more info?

Either email our Director of Curriculum at, or fill out the form below!

Upcoming Classes